How Technology Can Inspire Creativity

Creativity is an act of turning imaginations or original ideas into reality. The created items may be intangible or a physical object. Creativity is important because it brings about new, exciting ideas that are unique to a student, entrepreneur...

The World’s First Smart Glasses For You

Most of the smart glasses released look like VR glasses, very big, but Vue looks exactly like our day to day stylish glasses. Vue is the world’s first pair of smart glasses that are designed for everyday use, the...

Data Centers: the Source of Your Internet Browsing Content

Ever wondered where the contents on your browser come from, the Facebook pictures, videos, comments, Youtube videos and various websites you visit for information? The answer is DATA CENTERS. A data center is a facility with thousands, in some cases...

Smart City: Are Nigerian Smart City Concepts Really “Smart”

There has been so much talk about Smart City, both in developed countries and in third world countries. Governments in Africa have pitched it to its citizens to get support for their visions and projects. We’ve heard about Smart devices,...

The End of Net Neutrality and How it Affects Internet Browsing in Africa.

The Federal Communications Communications (FCC) has finally rolled back Net Neutrality. The law that prohibits Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from blocking certain services, slowing particular websites or charging more to access them has been removed meaning No More Net...

TempTraq: The Device That Helps You Monitor Your Baby’s Health Remotely.

How can you tell when your baby is running temperature when he/she can't speak? How do you or your doctor also monitor your baby’s temperature from any part of the world? Very simple, a TempTraq wireless monitor has the...

Why Do Nigerians Speak Into The Earpiece Of Their Phones When Making Calls, Instead...

Have you ever found yourself talking into that part of your phone where the voice of the other person you are conversing with is coming out? It’s gradually becoming the norm. Especially when the environment is noisy, in an...

This is the device Nigerian farmers need right now…

In order to achieve significant improvements in agricultural productivity, marketing and competitiveness by generating appropriate technologies and policy options, promoting innovation, establishing a knowledge management capacity and strengthening the agricultural research system, an Edyn garden sensor is the key. Edyn...

The App That Teaches You How to Speak Efik and Ibibio Language

Learning other people’s language can be very difficult especially when you are a stranger and you can be denied of certain advantages and rights due to language barrier which is why it is of utmost priority for us to...

Gionee gaining popularity in Nigeria…

Gionee was founded in 2002 by Liu Lirong, with headquarters in China. Got its GSM license in 2005. Gionee currently makes 40 million phones per year. Gionee has invested over $10million in Nigeria the past year. The phone maker...