Facebook Just Launched Its First Community Hub, NG_Hub In Nigeria

The NG_Hub event which took place in Lagos, Nigeria was its first flagship community hub in Africa & in partnership with CC_Hub. The community is aimed at fostering collaborations, learning and exchanging of ideas amongst members according to Facebook. Ime...

Spermbots Now To Kill Cancer Cells

The cure for cancer has been a long time coming with similar claims to eradicate the prevalent disease. Also, the use of chemical substances for the treatment of cancer has proven to be near toxic to the body of...

KeySmart Locates Your Lost KeyChains and Phones For You.

How did you feel when you lost a precious phone given to you by someone special? Or maybe, how did you feel when you couldn’t attend a loved one’s birthday, anniversary party or an emergency call because you couldn’t...

Facebook Just Launched Its Youth Portal For Teens And Kids.

Facebook is excited to launch its “youth portal“, a central place where teens and kids can feel safe away from the "virus" emerging from regular social media platforms, without losing out on anything worthwhile. The Facebook youth portal is said...

Facebook Slams Around 200 Apps Pending Thorough Investigation On Data Misuse.

Congruous with Mark Zuckerberg's earlier promise on app investigation and audit, Ime Archibong, Facebook's VP of product partnership made a blog post on Monday14th May 2018. He stated that investigation process has begun in full swing and it's in two...

SpaceX Launched And Landed A Newly Designed Falcon 9 Rocket With 100 Relaunch Capability.

SpaceX just accomplished on Friday the first mission of its redesigned Falcon 9 rocket. The rocket carried the first satellite of Bangladesh, a South Asian country. The Falcon 9 has been redesigned to increase efficiency, safety and reliability. The important...

Elon Musk Posts Video Of Underground Road Network By His Boring Company

You probably know Elon Musk for electric cars(Tesla), space travel(SpaceX), renewable energy(SolarCity, Gigafactory),  but for road construction? You would pick someone else like Julius Berger. Well…Elon Musk has a construction company called “The Boring Company”. As usual, he wants to...

Boston Dynamics Releases Videos To Show Latest Skills Of The SpotMini And Atlas Robots.

Boston Dynamics makes robots, robots that have the movements and dexterity of man and animals. And they are good at it. Two of its robots are SpotMini and Atlas, which have just been upgraded with latest skills. In a video...

Chinese Tech Giant, ZTE, Goes Into Coma

The U.S Government has made bold her statement of imposing an export ban on ZTE by effecting Denial of Service to ZTE by American companies. ZTE has been crippled by the U.S Government. The company which was banned by the...

Why Wear The Brand When You Are The Brand.

Met Gala event, the biggest fashion fundraising event took place on May 7th 2018. In its modern incarnation, the famous faces from the realm of fashion, film, music and art come together to raise money for the Met's Costume...