Telegram Messenger Introduces A New Kind Of Effective Private Communication.


Telegram Messenger has now added more effective private communication features: “unsend anything, Anonymous Forwarding, setting search and more” to its app. This was revealed in a blog post on Sunday by the company. The unsend feature has just being improved to be better than what it was when it was introduced 2 years ago.

The newly added functionality is to enable you delete any private chat entirely from both your and the other person’s device with just two taps.

Initially, the “Unsend” feature could only work for messages sent by you and had a time limit of 48 hours but now even messages you receive as well can be deleted with no time limit.

The “Anonymous forwarding” feature is to disconnect any traces of messaging to you when your message is forwarded. When this setting is enabled, your forwarded messages will no longer lead back to your account — they’ll just display an unclickable name in the “from” field. This way people you chat with will have no verifiable proof you ever sent them anything.

Setting Search is now a lot easier on the Telegram messenger app. It has been optimized for easy search and navigation amid clustered settings section.

Telegram Messenger is a messaging app that works over the internet, just like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. That means you can send messages for free by using a wi-fi connection or your mobile data allowance (providing you have enough data).

The company says the optimization plan is tied to its mandate of treating its users data sacred—we gave millions of people power over their data with end-to-end encryption.

This new private communication somewhat puts the telegram Messenger ahead of its contemporaries.