Snapchat Is Heading For The Rocks And Ariana Grande is Saving it


Snapchat is collaborating with Ariana Grande to give you a whole new experience of its newest selfie lens. Starting today, you can now purchase the actual face mask for $20 straight from within the app with an incentive of a pre-sale ticket access to Ariana 2019 tour.

Ariana’s newly released album “Sweetener” is tied to Snapchat’s newest selfie lens to enable you get a link to download the album.

A sweetener branded tied-dyed face mask via lens approach is initiated to strengthen the company which may be heading for the rocks as it recorded a 3 million daily losts of its users in the second quarter of 2018.

The popular American singer is loved by many, but love is not loyalty. Appealing to the emotions of the people through a lovable icon might be a sure bet of a marketing strategy for the Snap company.

Recall that Rhianna felt spited by Snapchat’s advert earlier this year, coupled with an uninspiring statement made byJenner over not using snapchat for a while. This actually cost Snap so many of its subscribers.

We’d only hope that the company’s collabo with Ariana would bring good tidings to the company.