It’s time to deflate Instagram accounts with fake likes, follows and comments, said Instagram in a shared post on Monday November 19.
It intends to implement this with a new machine learning tool which would be recognizing accounts that used third-party softwares to artificially boost their followers count, likes, as well as posting interactions.
Instagram says, the use of third-party apps highly violates its community guidelines and Terms of use. Therefore, all accounts suspected with inauthentic activities will be purged of its fake activities.
“Everyday people come to Instagram to have real experiences, including genuine interactions to ensure experiences are disrupted by inauthentic activity”, Instagram wrote in a blog post.
Identified accounts will be first notified, and then prompted to do a password reset to lock the third party apps out of the accounts.
Instagram says, the need for a password reset is also to ensure safety of those accounts culminating from the compromise with third-party apps. Accounts who mistakenly gave their credentials to third-party apps will also go through the cleansing process.
The fight against unreal experiences have been ongoing with the locking out of several bot platforms last year that automated different interactions, including Instagress and Mass planner.
“This is just another step,” the fight in “tackling inauthentic activities” continues as more updates will be rolling out over the next few weeks, said Instagram.