How Technology Can Inspire Creativity


    Creativity is an act of turning imaginations or original ideas into reality. The created items may be intangible or a physical object. Creativity is important because it brings about new, exciting ideas that are unique to a student, entrepreneur or CEO. Without creativity and innovation, everything would follow the same pattern.

    Human beings are essentially born creative; it only takes finding what interests you and having fun. From infancy on we find innovative ways to innovate life and the most creative people find ways around obstacles because they see them as opportunities.

    Going by the increasing importance of creativity, you might be wondering if there’s anything you can do to foster creativity. Apparently, technology has got huge potentials to help you think in new ways and stumble on original ideas.

    If you want to be more creative in your daily life, here are a few tips for using technology to think more imaginatively and innovatively irrespective of your profession.

    1. Apply the “right” distractions: Instead of playing candy or soda crush game on your phone, subscribe to news and information websites related to your area of interests
    1. Explore new things: Try to be open to new things such as ideas, experiences and opportunities. Do not get too comfortable with what you already know. if you want to use technology as a tool for creativity then be open to new resources, apps or tools.
    1. Use Technology to put restriction in place: Apps like “my minutes, brainstormer or brainsparker” help to impose a time-limit and prompts you whenever you are just about to think what you are restricted from thinking.
    1. Use Technology to ask questions: One excellent use for technology is generating and answering questions. You can use tools like Mindmeister, coogle and popplet to brainstorm and generate questions on just about any topic.


    Apply the right technology tools. Not every piece of tech will inspire you or spark your creativity. You will have to discover that for yourself by spending time to learn with technology tools and finding out which one works best for you. For some individuals, using headphones to create a noisy environment helps them concentrate on the task at hand while for others it may not. But if you are not sure what tools, apps or resources would best suit your needs, start by following tech influencers on twitter like @techquery_, @techpoint, @techcabal, etc.