5 Revelations About Bitcoin And What You Should Do Right Now, Number 5 Is A Must.


5Sell your bitcoin

Bitcoin has been on the crash since January. The Christmas bitcoin of 2017 was for the Christmas indeed. All predictions for it to go up, even by “oracles”, have failed. Bitcoin has no control knobs, has no steering, and worst of all, has no driver.

Elon Musk has sold his own,the winklevoss brothers are selling secretly. Warren Buffet would not touch it with his hands, not with a long stick, not even with his enemies’ hands.

Crypto miners in China have downed their tools and are selling their minning devices. Hey! These guys know more! Don’t say let me buy now and sell when it’s high. Sell yours, bitcoin is a sinking ship right now, when the water is drained out you can buy again.
