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Technology Behind The MSG SPHERE

Right at the entertainment centre of Las Vegas, Nevada, United States is this phenomenal structure, called the MSG Sphere. It looks like something straight out of a Fictional movie, with its outer display making it look like an Oracle...

More Tech Companies Pull Out of Their Multi-Million Dollar Deal With The Duke And...

Netflix reportedly wants to follow Spotify’s lead and “pull out” of its AUD$152 million deal with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. But appears it may not. Since stepping back from royal life, Harry and Meghan have focused on making...

Google Launches Shoploop; An Entertaining New Way To Shop Online

Google has just launched Shoploop, an entertaining new way to shop online. The amazing Shoploop platform was created to fully serve the growing interest in online shopping since the pandemic, while tapping into the rising popularity of short-form video. According...

Ability To Stream YouTube & Netflix When Car Is Stopped Coming To Your Tesla...

Tesla CEO, Elon Musk, has hinted about intentions to integrate YouTube and Netflix into Tesla semi- autonomous electric vehicles in the nearest future. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1155179932474957825?ref_src=twcamp%5Ecopy%7Ctwsrc%5Eandroid%7Ctwgr%5Ecopy%7Ctwcon%5E7090%7Ctwterm%5E3 This is to give commuters an immersive cinematic experience while they enjoy the comfy seats & surround...

Best Practises To Make More Money In Music

While technological advancement has made it easy to produce a hit song from your bedroom , without essentially having to sign-up with a top record label, monetising your music couldn't be more easier. It takes a bit more work and...

Taylor Swift Facial Recognition System Secretly Recorded Stalkers’ Faces at the California’s Rose Bowl...

Taylor Swift facial recognition system secretly recorded stalkers faces at California's Rose Bowl concert held in May. Taylor's facial recognition system was built into a kiosk that displayed highlights of her rehearsal to monitor and record viewers' faces. And guess...


Typeface Stands Out From Its Competitors, Places Emphasis On Safety And...

Typeface wants to change the narratives on the use of generative AI technology in web-scraped images and text. According to the founder Abhay Parasnis,...