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Apple Caught Slowing Down Older Versions Of IPhone

There was an allegation against APPLE that it has been slowing down or throttling the speed (performance) of older versions of IPHONE. The company denied the allegation. The company which recently released its latest version of IPHONE, called IPHONE...

Facebook Is Dropping Its Fake News Red Flag Warning

After finding it had the opposite effect, facebook is dropping its red flag warning. The social media giant has been implementing it to check the spread of fake news on its platform, which it says  was instrumental in the...

The Tech Side of Calabar Carnival

Calabar Carnival festival in Nigeria also tagged "Africa's Biggest Street Party" was live today in the city of Calabar. An event that is not only for calabar indigenes and the Efik tribe but for all lovers of cultural carnival...

esight 3: the pair of glasses that enables the blind to see

The maker of esight 3, esight, says the glass is for the legally blind. What is legally blind and who qualifies to be called so? Legal blindness is a level of visual impairment that has been defined by law...

10 Nigerian Great Apps Of 2017

Here is a list of Nigerian Apps that were highly downloaded or very popular in 2017: NIGERIAN CONSTITUTION How many Nigerians know their rights? This App is the full Nigerian constitution packaged to help you know your rights and privileges....

This African App Won The Global Mobile Congress Awards For Innovation

Sliide, the African App that solved a major internet problem in Africa, high cost of data. The app was launched in Nigeria March 2016. The app sends personalized news and stories from national and international publishers as well as...

How Technology Can Inspire Creativity

Creativity is an act of turning imaginations or original ideas into reality. The created items may be intangible or a physical object. Creativity is important because it brings about new, exciting ideas that are unique to a student, entrepreneur...

Data Centers: the Source of Your Internet Browsing Content

Ever wondered where the contents on your browser come from, the Facebook pictures, videos, comments, Youtube videos and various websites you visit for information? The answer is DATA CENTERS. A data center is a facility with thousands, in some cases...

Smart City: Are Nigerian Smart City Concepts Really “Smart”

There has been so much talk about Smart City, both in developed countries and in third world countries. Governments in Africa have pitched it to its citizens to get support for their visions and projects. We’ve heard about Smart devices,...

The End of Net Neutrality and How it Affects Internet Browsing in Africa.

The Federal Communications Communications (FCC) has finally rolled back Net Neutrality. The law that prohibits Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from blocking certain services, slowing particular websites or charging more to access them has been removed meaning No More Net...


Gmail & Attachment Confidentiality Now Available on Your Mobile Devices

Google's confidential mode for messages and attachments is now available on mobile devices. The confidential mode feature is to set confidentiality to your messages...