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Arnergy, A Nigerian Solar Energy Startup, Has Raised $9 Million In Series A round

Arnergy, a Nigerian Solar Energy Startup, has raised $9 Million in Series A round to further grow and expand its solar business aimed to solve the prevalent electricity challenges in homes and businesses in the country. The company which was...

Kano And Microsoft Release PC Kits For Kids To Learn Computer And Software Coding

"Catch them young" is a popular slogan used to indicate recruitment of children into an act. In this case, it is about exposing children to the inner-workings of a computer, and also how to code through the different apps...

What’s In Colour Black That Elon Musk Is Charging Extra $1000 For On Its...

Founder and CEO of Tesla Elon Musk reveals his plans to charge extra $1000 for colour black and silver Tesla electric vehicles in the coming months. "Starting next month, Tesla will charge $1000 for color black (same price as...

Facebook Unveils Its Cryptocurrency Called Libra

Today Facebook announced it's Cryptocurrency called Libra. The name was inspired by Roman weight measurements, the astrological sign for justice and the French word for freedom, said David Marcus, a former PayPal executive who is heading up the project. "Freedom,...

Huawei’s CEO Says He Didn’t Expect The U.S. To Attack Huawei With Such Intense...

China's telecoms equipment and smartphone maker Huawei expects a drastic decline of $30 Billion in its revenue over the next two years. This would be as a result of the US ban and trade restrictions on the Chinese company. Huawei's...

Nigerian Woman Builds First ATM Company In West Africa To Be Verve Visa And...

Kofo Akinkugbe builds the first ATM company in West Africa to be Verve Visa and MasterCard certified, Known as SecureID. SecureID is a world-class manufacturing company whose main focus is to build the continent's economy while eliminating importation of SIM...

A 25-Year-Old Kenyan Invents Smart Gloves And Hand Gesture Translator For The Deaf And...

Communicating with the deaf and dumb can be quite exhausting and overwhelming due to lack of understanding. And this has made hearing impaired individuals feel all left out and alone caught up in their own world. Roy Allela 25, a...

Uber’s Proposed Flying Taxi Design Pretty Much Looks Like A Helicopter

Uber's quest to become a one-stop shop for the movement of people and powering local commerce around the world is becoming a reality. The ride hailing tech company eventually revealed a super sleek design of its flying taxi which...

Samsung To Launch The Galaxy A50, A20, and A10e In The US

In a newsroom  announcement today, Samsung reveals expanding mid-tier portfolio with the Galaxy A Series in the U.S. this summer. The Galaxy A series which includes, Galaxy A50, A20, and A10e offers high-quality features and innovations at a range of...

New Google Map’s Feature Alerts You Each Time Your Ride Gets Off The Route

Google Map is becoming more extensive with its features and functions. This time, it has added another important feature known as "new off-route alerts" and "speedometer". Outside basic driving directions of Google Map, the "new off-route alerts" feature is to...


15 Solid Questions For New And Intermediate Affiliate Marketers

Below, I've Compiled 15 Solid Questions For New to Intermediate Affiliate Marketers. If you can answer all of these questions below then you'll be well...

OLX Is Now Jiji